Transporting Water


New Member
Ok I just purchased a 125 FOWLR and it is a 3 hour drive to pick it up. I want to keep as much of the existing water as possible. Any ideas on transporting that much water?
I have closed containers I use to buy RO/DI water that will hold approximately 38 gallons.
Now for the other 70 or so I will need to bring home......ideas????
New trash cans, double lined with bags filled part way????
Rubbermaid containers???
Just how do I get this water back without it all spilling?


When my friend and I moved her tank we used rubber maid containers double lined with trash bags. That way any live rock can stay submerged. Just make sure that you don't fill them so much that they can't be moved or break under the weight while moving. If there are any fish put them in bags like the ones you get when you purchase a fish from the store and put them in a seperate container. We had an 1 1/2 move and didn't lose anything. Hopefully you will have the same luck.


Active Member
if you have any extra tanks the best way is to use a bunch of little tanks. fill them, put a trash bag or plastic over the top, and use rubber bands from a ceramic shop to secure the plastic. the bands are usually made from huge tractor tire inner tubes and ceramic shops use them to secure shut molds. or motorcycle tiedowns available at any local hardware store or automotive store would probably work as well. just make sure you don't ratchet the tiedowns too tight and break the tank.


New Member
Just an update.....I used a combination of things to get this done and lost very little water.
I had enough for about 50 gallon in closed containers so there was no worry there.
I put the live rock in double bagged thick (real thick) garbage bags. These were inside rubber maid tubs. The live rock was then covered in water. Lost a little bit out of one tub but that was it.
The rest of the water went in to two 38 gallon garbage cans double lined with the thick garbage bags. I only filled each one about half way. I used a powerhead to get the water back out.
All of the garbage bags were closed up and then rubber banded shut.
I only had to add about 10 gallons of new salt water and I had 20 made up just in case.
Thanks for the ideas! :)