Trapped Jawfish


How good is a jawfish if their hole happens to collapse slightly? I put one in my tank yesterday and by morning he had a burrow made. The entrance that I can see (there may be more) looks like it caved-in a little bit on top of the shell he had placed their.
I can just barely see him move sometimes and every once in awhile I see him spit some sand but I can't tell if he is making it worse or better. Should I try to help? I'm worried I'll make it worse and kill him. It is in the back corner so it won't be very easy to help him.
Thanks :help:


He might have purposely made the hole smaller. He will have a network of tunnels under your rocks in no time at all. Don't worry he is just being industrious.


OK, Thanks. I'm going to wait it out. Hopefully he comes out some tomorrow so he can get some food.


He came out. Since I got 2, one is doing awesome (the one that wouldn't come out) although it took him 3 days to come out he is pretty outgoing and eats anything in the tank.
The second one seems to be on a hunger strike and I am getting worried. Today makes 2 weeks since he was shipped to me. Anyone have a fish go that long? I've tried brine, mysis, bloodworms, cyclopeeze, flake, pellet. The shrimp he takes in his mouth but he spits it out afterword and I can't figure out why. He even comes out a bit for feeding but he won't actually eat anything. Anyone have any suggestions?


Well my second Jawfish didn't make it
. He just wouldn't eat. He would even come out of his hole and take food into his mouth, but then he would spit it out everytime. It was a frustrating thing to watch considering how active he was.
The other Jawfish is doing great though and is a blast to watch! Maybe I'll try to get a second one again sometime.


Active Member
sorry for your loss, i know i had one too,,i really enjoyed him....but the next morning i found him stuck up there were the water flows back into the sump...i dont know what could have happened,,everything else is fine,,,good luck on your second one,,,have a great day...