Traveling Anemone,


Have had BTA for about 1 month and it is still moving around everyday. I will go from behind rocks to the protein skimmer to front glass then to rock, Never know where he will be in AM. I have tried to feed him silver sides where I would like for him to stay, good flow. Is this normal.


Well we need more info,
Tank size
Test your water!!!
how old is your tank
anything that could be bugging it?
there is a tun of reasons why BTA's would move I would say #1 is your water so test it!
maybe you have to much flow? or not enough? maybe you are overkill on your lighting or you don't have enough.
this may help,
but I do know that BTA's love being up on rock work I placed mine there and she has not moved.
I just though of some more reason,
what is your tank temp ( with lights on )
your salinity


As Alex said post more info
Try to put it in a crevice in the rocks or build a little corral so it has a chance to set it's foot. Also you can try to put it in the rocks and shut your powerheads off for 30 minutes or so.
A roaming anemone is a unhappy anemone and imo it should have settled down already if it has been in the tank for a month. How long is the tank been set up????


Okay here is what I have with readings as of this AM. All readings have been good until today when I saw the amonia up some
90 gl, with 120 LR and 100 LS, wet/dry with 10 gl. refugium attached, been doing well for couple months now, Tank is 3 months old,today my amonia reading was .25 here are other readings
temp 8.4
PH 8.0
PPT 32
Specific Gr. 1.025
Amonia- .25
Nitrate 20
Nitrite 0
My flow in tank is at 1900 GPH
lighting is at 250w of pc lighting, half actinate lighting, set on timer with 12 hours on and 12 hours off. Hope this helps. Rick


Active Member
Just off the need to address Ammonia first and foremost. Although thats prob not what is making your anemone move, it can ultimately kill it. Second and its very close to first is your lighting. (prob what is making your anemone move) Sub par (no pun intended) for the animal you have in the size tank you have...looking at what you have. Basically you have 125watts of 10K daylight in a 90gal tank, FYI actinic lighting should not be considered when calculating lighting requirements for reef inhabitants. Although they have the same wattage as the 10k's do their color spectrum makes them less intense. So, PC Lighting to begin with... not the recommended lighting for any anemone although doable for some, its not unconditional and you have not met the right conditions IMO. And the strength of them... severely lacking. Sorry for the bad news


Not bad news, thats what I need to find, If light is lacking I will have to address it, It is strange thought that LFS said lighting would be plenty for tank, What would be best to look at for adding to system, should I scrap the light I have and put new one in or just add to what I have, Are the actinics a problem, should they be replaced with another type of bulb, I had not heard that you did not count them in total wattage. Thanks Rick


Active Member
Originally Posted by revrick3
Not bad news, thats what I need to find, If light is lacking I will have to address it, It is strange thought that LFS said lighting would be plenty for tank, What would be best to look at for adding to system, should I scrap the light I have and put new one in or just add to what I have, Are the actinics a problem, should they be replaced with another type of bulb, I had not heard that you did not count them in total wattage. Thanks Rick
If there is room I would keep the actinics... depending on your personal prefrence and what the height of your tank is, I assume 24". A HO-T5 fixture would work nothing less than a 6 bulb fixture IMO. Nova Pros or Aquatinics depending on budget. You could put all 10K's in the fixture and keep your actinics as supplemental lighting. Or Metal halide lighting, might be a cheaper way to go depending on what mfg you go with Current has a 48" 2x250 watt for $600 or so, which is what I would recommend if It was on my tank. Compared to an aquatinics 6 bulb fixture at almost $800 with out bulbs.. its up to you there are a lot of choices.


Active Member
ck out sunlight supply or tec lights you can get a 6 lamp fixture with lamps under $500