Traveling with an aquarium.


So I'm in a bit of a bind. I live in Denver, CO but I've been temporarily relocated to Washington DC for a couple months. I couldn't go that long without a tank so I purchased a 20 gallon tank and it's currently home to a green spotted puffer. The time is coming up when I will be needing to drive back do Denver. I would like to bring this guy along with me. Has anyone ever done this and have any tips?
My plan is to take about 3/4 - 1/2 of the water out to prevent any splashing around in my truck. I also plan to purchase and inverter for my truck so that the filter, heater, and lights can be plugged in for the drive.
The drive will take about 5 days, stopping to see family along the way. My concern is when/if I stop at a hotel for some rest. Will the puffer be ok overnight without the filter and heater on? Or should I look into a way to have them plugged in while I'm not in the truck?
Please post any tips or concerns.

mr. limpid

Active Member
All I can say is GOOD LUCK, I truly mean it. Only thing I can add is to remove all rocks a substrate to a separate tank, so he won't damage himself on it, or stirrup nasty stuff out of the substrate.


Active Member
+1 Good Luck.
I do not see this working at all. I would look into shipping the fish if I was that attached. But I would first opt for returning the fish to a LFS and cleaning and packing up all the equipment and resetting up the tank in Denver and buying a new fish.
When I was in my early twenties I tried to drive across country with some FW fish (Colorado Springs to Detroit). I did as you plan on doing with out the power inverter for the filters. Nothing lived.
The fish may make it, but most likely not... And that is best case scenario. You could slam on your breaks and have a car full of broken glass and SW and then a dying fish. I would not risk this at all.
Look into shipping the fish. You may get a LFS to babysit the fish for a couple of weeks and then they could ship it to you once you have the tank all set back up.


Well this did not turn out at all like I imagined. Haha. I don't want the fish harmed in any way. I suppose returning the fish would be my best bet.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Ya its not the distance, whole salary's ship fish all the time, its the length of time to get to where you are going that is the problem. Fish need a constant environment it will be hard to give him it during the length of time you are traveling.
went from sc to texas with my fish(also had a spotted puffer) in a ice chest. Used an inverter and ran the needed stuff. (they lived in the ice chest about 2 1/2 weeks)The moving van was 2 weeks late,so we went and bought a new tank. They all survived. the puffer eye was a little swollen,but a day in the big tank,it fixed itself. I moved the rocks,sand and fish in the ice chest. must say, my boys and girls were so delighted to get out of their slum house into a real tank. God was good to me!!