Travis' 125 weekend one, it begins...


Ok Here we go. I am pretty new to to this hobby but, I have always wanted a saltwater tank. I started off with a 29 gallon about two months ago.
Well this weekend I purchased a 125 gallon tank. I am going to do a mix reef/fish tank. I will be getting more supplies soon. My powerheads are on the way, as well as my "new" reverse osmosis with DI system.
This weekend I started the custom stand for the tank. I will soon be building a canapy to house the metal halide lamps I will be getting. Whiich will be three 250's 13k and some moon lights. I plan on using my current 29dt as my sump. Everything should work out pretty nice by my calculations.
Well here are some photos of the begining.



I would like to make the canopy go all the way to the ceiling. Also I am putting the overflow box on the short side of the tank against the wall. This way you will see very little equipment inside the tank, if any at all.
All the hoses are going to run down an enclsed part of the stand, with an access door to all of them on the side.


i would make the canopy go all the way to the celing and on the side you are going to put the overflow skin it with a door so it looks completly built in


I think I will make the canopy go all the way to the ceiling. I am planning on enclosing the filters. It should look like it came with house.
I will also be decorating it with all kinds of nautical decor, thus the driftwood.


Active Member
I like your blue walls! lol
I always had white walls, then I moved to florida and my Bfriend wanted to paint walls different colors. I almost had a heart attack when we painted our office hunter green, our bedroom blue (little lighter than yours) and our theatre burgundy/cranberry. Our main areas are all white though.

I know its off topic, but I just wanted to mention your walls. hahah.


It looks like you have a nice set up going on. Can't wait to see more progress. WHere do you shop for your fish in MD?


Originally Posted by cyclops
It looks like you have a nice set up going on. Can't wait to see more progress. WHere do you shop for your fish in MD?
I usally go to Pet Kare in Glassgow Delaware. They have a pretty knowledgable guy named FRANK who works there. He won't feed you any BS, and he knows his fish.
I shopped at another local fish store, but they seemed to tell me what ever I wanted to here just to sell fish. I find that not very good business practice, as well as cruel to the fish.


That is too far for me to travel I go to a place in glenburnie they are fare and tell you the whole truth, and only sale what they can succesfully keep so basically no hard corals or big tangs.