Treat Odinium in reef tank.......

My Powder Blue Tang in my reef is coming down with ODINIUM I belive. Will the Garlic method work for it?? I am going to try "rally", but I need something else as well. Thank you very much!


Staff member
What makes you think the problem is Oodinium? Oodinium is one of the deadliest of fish diseases and will, in short order, wipe out your whole fish community quickly.
The treatment for oodinium is copper. As you have a reef, then all fish will need to moved to a separate hospital tank and treated with cooper.
I have heard/read that Revive can be used to treat oodinium in reef, but have no exp. with it.
Give a description of the symptoms and visible appearance of the problem.


If it is oodinium. (whickh i dont think it is but i learned the hard way last weekend :)) i have a reef safe product thats imported from germany. its supposed to be like the only reef safe oodinium treatment. its called EXODIN. it may be hard to find! if you do find it, be prepared to open ur wallets caus it comes at an average price of 49.99$ good luck!
flAME :D