Treating a 55Gal for ICK HELP!!!


It seems overnight or at least it looks like it all of the fish in my tank have now came down with ick. My clowns, puffer fish all have small white "spots" on them the damsel still has the laseration on his mouth which i am attributing to ick. My yellow tang has gotten very pale he still eats and acts the same but he is pale. How can i treat all the fish in my tank for ick. If all these fish sucumb to ick i dont know what i will do. The clowns seem to be the worst with them all over there body. The blenny isn't so bad but it's hard to tell cause he's covered in sand. Should i have a water issue cause it's weird all my levels seem to be at 0 i just tested the water again this morning and everything is at zero or close the nitrate level is at around 5. The salinity is at 1.026 Please advise.


ok well i have been searching online here for the past few hours this morning and correct me if i'm wrong the thing i should is basically take all my live rock out... put it in a rubbermaid bin for the time being and treat my tank for hyposalinity? I do have live sand so i dont think the copper route is good at all cause i dont want the little critters in the sand to kick the bucket does this sound like a good plan i will read beth's FAQ on Hyposalinity and go about it that way.


Staff member
Hyposalinity is the way to go. Keep the LR in the rubbermaids and thow in a couple of good PH's to keep the water on the top of the rubbermaid, and the other on the bottom.
See if you can get a refractometer, or, at least a good glass hydrometer. Follow the procedure outlined in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.