treating ich in the display tank -- best options?


I read a whole bunch of threads on ich, and it's fairly clear that the best way to treat it is remove all the fish to a hospital/quarantine tank with hyposaline water for 3-4 weeks, then quarantine all new fish. I got that.
However, if someone wanted to take a shot at treatment in the fowlr display tank, what are the best recommendations? Seems to me that *if* it can be treated there, and then no new fish are added, or at least no new fish that are not quarantined, then you are good forever, right? Now, I'm not asking what is certain to work or even what is likely to work, but if you wanted to try this first, what would you try?
My thoughts are:
1) reduce fish stress somehow (keep water good, remove overly aggressive fish?)
2) keep water quality high
3) reduce salinity slightly??? (1.018-020?)
4) add something like "kick ich" (even if value unproven, is there any harm?)
5) UV?
6) any sort of "slime coat" additive?
7) what else?


Staff member
Treating fish in tank with meds is not a viable option, period. If you want to try it, then know that you will be risking your fish, and perhaps your tank.