Treating Ich!


Can i set up a QT and just use a copper treatment instead of hypersalinity for my fish? I do not have a refractometer. So i am planning on get a 10 gal using the water form my existing tank and treating the fish with the copper treatment in the hospital tank until the ich is gone. Will this work?


Active Member
That's part of what the quarentene is for. You use the copper treatment there so it doesn't pollute your main tank and kill your invertabrates.
Make sure to read the directions carfuly and pick up the copper test kit recomended to go with your brand of copper treatment.
Most people prefer hypo, but copper should work if done correctly.


Active Member
It will at least be a long way towards cycled. It takes a bit for the tank walls to get coated with denitrifying bacteria. It should be safe to put fish in right away, but do test the water after a day.