Treating Ick MANY Fish


New Member
OK, I am new to these forums, but have looked extensively for an answer before I asked and I apologize if I missed it somewhere. I have a 140g tank that has quite a few large fish such as angels, tangs, wrasses, etc that cost ALOT of money. Two fish are infected with Ich. The tank has live rock and a few corals, which can be moved to my very small reef tank if necessary. All of the fish are eating and very healthy. I see that the BEST answer to treat the Ich is a QT and hypo or copper, BUT and this is MY big "BUT" how large would I have to make my QT tank to house all of these fish? It seems like I would need another 140g QT tank, which financially is WAY out of the question. Is there any way t treat the Ich in my main tank if I take out the corals? and get a small QT tank for future fish. I have been reading and reading and just can't seem to find the most practical solution here. I really appreciate your help. I just found these forums and there seems to be alot of knowledgeable people here.
Thank you,
Ben Cook
Southern California


New Member
I'm not sure if I was very clear on a few points after reading my post. I can move the corals, but not the live rock. Also, I need to treat all fish that show even the tiniest signs of ick and even better all of them at once right?


Active Member
How much LR do you have in the tank? The practical solution would be to simply transfer the LR to some sort of holding bin. A large rubbermaid tote would work (maybe a couple of them). Add a heater and some circulation along with tank water. You could then treat the existing fish with hyposalinity. Before taking drastic measures, I'd ask what type of fish and which ones have symptoms. Describe exactly what you're seeing and how long it's been evident. Often times, a few spots is not indicative of a full blown outbreak. Have there been any new additons to the tank recently?