Treatment of fish that might not have disease


Will it hurt the fish if I treat him for brooklynella even if he doesnt have it to be on the safe side?
I am asking because he has a small area of what looks like white slime on the top of his head and his tail fin looks like it has been nipped by another fish but not sure (suspect the damsel). He eats like a pig still and swims alot like he is healthy. I have just recently started adding garlic extract to their food to aid in a stronger immune system. My water parameters are all fine I just want to be on the safe side before it gets out of hand and is too late.


Active Member
How long have you had this fish? Also do you have it in your display? Do you have a q-tank that you can treat him in?
Whenever I get a new fish I place into q-tank then perform hypo. This has worked very well for me, and I've only lost a couple of fish. 2 fish I've lost do to injury caused by tank mates, and 1 I lost for an unknown reason, but I suspect it was caught with cyanide.


I have had the clowns for 2 weeks. He isnt really showing any signs of being sick at all. I dont have a quarantine tank, but i am going to bring back a ten gallon thats at home when I go home next.


Staff member
If the clown had brook, it would have likely shown signs of it by now. Formalin bathes sould be reserved for treating actual diseases not as a preventative.