Trey, or any other Shark Help please????????


New Member
Hi,, Trey,, I have been on line reading every article I can on garlic, ick and Hospital tanks,,,
I posted a question this morning and have not had much help,,,
I heard from others, you are the best ,,, (like MR Salty)
Here is my problem:
I have a 75 gallon tank... been set up since March. I have some live rock, a peppermint shrimp, two damsels, a clown fish, a yellow tank, and a bat fish...
I know a bat fish in a 75 gallon tank,,, too small, once he grows we will have to put him in his own tank,,for now he is only about 5 inches big,,,,
Well, yesterday doing a water changes I noticed the bat fish had this weird white spot on his side,, it was notlittle white spots but looked like a patch of white dust,,, he is brown and the spot looked like he rubbed against something.. His eyes were also cloudy,, no other fish had any symptoms,,
I started reading the books I have on salt water aquariums, disease etc,,, and I noticed they said to try the freshwater bath.. so I did that for 2 minutes,, Well, after the two minutes in the fresh water the white on the bat fish , formed into what looked like salt minerals and literally started popping off his body...
I then had to put him back into the tank with the other fish as I do not have a hospital tank,,,
Today I got a hospital tank,,10 gallon,, and we put the bat fish in there with copper treatment.
What about rest of my tank? I cannot do copper as we have live rock? What should I do? Start feeding garlic????
How long do I leave the Bat in Hospital tank. 23 days???
Thank you