Trickle filter with bio-balls, or


New Member
I really appreciate everyone who posted on my other thread and helped me figure out what I want to get as far as tank size goes. I am going to get everything set up before I add any life to the tank, LS and LR included. My question now is, for someone starting out, which method would you go with? I have read that with the DSB and LR that the bio-balls are really not neccessary. But, I think that the trickle filter and bio-balls are a good way to go, at least until my DSB and LR have matured some and I can, for lack of a better word, "wean" the tank away from the bio-balls.
I am open to suggestions or comments on the situation.


New Member
Sorry, dont know what happened to the rest of the thresd title.
the rest is: refugium set-up?


Active Member
Before the bio balls can become effective, the sand bed and lr will start doing its job.
So if you intend to use the trickle until the lr and sand does anything, don't waste your money.IMO, just go for the live rock and sand, you are only talking the length of a cycle, the sand may take a little longer to start denitifying, but the trickle will never do this.
Plus removing the balls can cause a mini cycle or ammonia spike when doing so, so why risk that too?