trigers and cleaner clams


New Member
Im running 2 fo tanks with crush corals at bottom, 55/110 with trigers on them , can cleaner clams survive with the trigers??? I looking in a way to lower nitrates... :help:


What kind of equipment (filtration, skimmer...etc...) are you running? How many fish? what size are they? How long have they been set up? We're gonna need more info about your tank before we can try to help figure out why your nitrates might be a bit high...
As far as the clams go, that will depend a lot on what kind of trigger(s) you are keeping...
I'm kinda doubtful that they really help that much with nitrates anyways... probably will be better to adjust your equipment/fish load/increase water changes...
look forward to hearing back from ya!
Oh yeah... welcome to the board!


oh yeah... forgot to add that "cleaner clams" most likely won't survive for very long in the more coarse crushed coral substrates..
speaking of which... very large crushed coral substrates can be problematic (if not set up a certain way) as far as nitrates go...
what size grain is your crushed coral? If it's really coarse, it works best with 1/2 an inch or less in depth, and even then you should syphon at least weekly... probably more often if you keep trigger or other messy feeders... If you have it too deep, (over 1/2 inch) you can develop what is called "nutrient sink" where uneaten food, dying/dead algae, and fish waste will accumulate and really foul your water...


New Member
on the 55g
one tetra tec 500 filter
one life guard fluidized fb300
one wet dry filter with a 10 gal sump under
used to have a typhoon skimmer until two days ago , moved to the 110 gal after flodding the living room !!!!!
hot magnun temporarly till new skimmer adition
fish panther grouper

fox face
this tank have been set up over a year with crush coral
the 110 gal is my new upgrade
running 2 emperors
wet dry filter under with sump and bio balls
will run the typhoon skimmer
magnun 350 canister
crush coral bed
fish 10" lion fish
humu humu trigger
dommino damsel
yellow powder face
this tanks has been running for about 1 month
planing on adding another sump with sand and plants later (refugium)
both tanks ammonia and nitritees leves are very low but nitrates run high
the eat marine cuisine frozen , krill and frozen silver sides, once in a while live feeders


New Member
on the 55g
one tetra tec 500 filter
one life guard fluidized fb300
one wet dry filter with a 10 gal sump under
used to have a typhoon skimmer until two days ago , moved to the 110 gal after flodding the living room !!!!!
hot magnun temporarly till new skimmer adition
fish panther grouper

fox face
this tank have been set up over a year with crush coral
the 110 gal is my new upgrade
running 2 emperors
wet dry filter under with sump and bio balls
will run the typhoon skimmer
magnun 350 canister
crush coral bed
fish 10" lion fish
humu humu trigger
dommino damsel
yellow powder face
this tanks has been running for about 1 month
planing on adding another sump with sand and plants later (refugium)
both tanks ammonia and nitritees leves are very low but nitrates run high
the eat marine cuisine frozen , krill and frozen silver sides, once in a while live feeders....


Active Member
Your nitrates run high because both tanks are overstocked with fish that are/will be too large for both of those tanks.
And...because of the CC substrate.


Originally Posted by AW2
Your nitrates run high because both tanks are overstocked with fish that are/will be too large for both of those tanks.
And...because of the CC substrate.