trigger and eel compatible??


Active Member
I have 2 tanks currently. I have a 55g FOWLR and a 220g aggressive tank set up right now. My goal is to convert the 55g into a reef so I am trying to prep it to start the switch. I have a SFE in the 55g that is probably about 18 inches, maybe 20, right now and I was planning to move him to my 220g aggressive setup. My question is, with the stock list that is in the 220g would the eel be ok (statistically I know it depends on each individual)?
My stock list is as follows:
Volitan Lionfish-11 inches
Clown Trigger-7 or 8 inches
Blonde Naso Tang- 5 inches
Blue Hippo Tang-5 inches
Blue Hippo Tang-4 inches
Humu Humu Trigger-4 inches
Do you think that I could add the SFE to this tank without confrontation? I would love to get him in there and in to a more suitable home. Please let me know what you guys think, Thanks a lot!!!


Active Member
I would say no issue at all, just make sure he has a couple of "caves" set up for him to choose from. That's awesome that you have a Clown Trig with a Lion, gives me hope to have a Lion some day. Any updated pics? last I saw I thought you just had the Clown and Lion right?


Active Member
I have a picture of the Humu Humu, I just got the tangs and my camera is not working right now so I havent been able to take pictures of them... I also still have to post some pictures of the plumbing on the tank that I cannot do because my cheapy camera bit the bullet.
