trigger and tang wont let eel eat


i dont know what to do. i have a 125 gal tank and a week ago my husband bought me a snowflake eel. well he keeps getting bullied by my purple tang and niger trigger. the lfs said to feed him krill, so i've been putting one in a seaweed clip and putting it on the bottom by the hole in the rock that is his favorite. well if he even comes out a little to get the food the tang especially harrasses him back. so now he wont even attempt to eat. i dont want to starve the little guy.


Active Member
Try feeding the other fish on one end of the tank, and then feed the eel by way of some tongs or a feeding stick (some rigid air tubing angled to a point on one end works good). Dangle the food right near the eels face and he should accept it. Mix up his diet to include small pieces of shrimp, scallop, clam and squid. A steady diet of krill is not healthy long term.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
Try feeding the other fish on one end of the tank, and then feed the eel by way of some tongs or a feeding stick (some rigid air tubing angled to a point on one end works good). Dangle the food right near the eels face and he should accept it. Mix up his diet to include small pieces of shrimp, scallop, clam and squid. A steady diet of krill is not healthy long term.
This is good advice. A lot of people use feeding sticks with eel because they have a hard time competing for food with their poor eyesight. However, keep in mind that an eel can go weeks or even months without eating.


most all saltwater fish and fish in general will not accept new comers. The purple tang and niger need to be disrupted. I would take them out and rearrange decor. I have a clown trigger that was not accepting a sailfin tang and after i did this he has no beef with him.


New Member
Well It's a problem but not a big one the Snow Flake Eel can go with out eating for months! I had a freshwater eel go on a fast for 7 months! So I wouldnt suggest changing anything fast just slow changes in the live rock dont stress the fish out)! Plus eventually the snowflake eel is going to get mad and do something back possibly changes the perspective of picking on the eel to keeping a distance!
Good Luck!