Trigger Companions?


New Member
I am about to stock a 155 gal tank. I like the trigger fish and would like some other similarly sized, brightly coloured, and hardy roommates. Any suggestions on a conservative limit to the number of occupants. I have heard 2" per 10 gal. but it maybe different with more agrressive fishnull


Active Member
I have a couple of eels and if you've got the money look into a Hawaiian Dragon.I just bought one and put a large red volitan in a 150!!!Snowflakes do well and hold there own with triggers.Lunar wrasse, harlaquin tuscan,panther grouper and even some large tang(naso).

trigga fish

New Member
Try a Clown Sturgeon...really colorful and full of personality. I have one with a Clown Trigger and he's doing fine.
Sometimes when they get next to each other they do something really wierd. The sturgeon is a really fast swimmer. The trigger will stretch out his spikes and just kinda hang in the water...this prompts the sturgeon to hit the power. He'll literally swim about 5 really tight circles around the trigger. It's just funny, because it really confuses the trigger. Just make sure you have enough room for the sturgeon to swim (open space)...hes a fast swimmer and likes to "stretch his fins".