trigger compatability


Active Member
for triggers, you can group the less aggressive speicies providing you have a large enough tank with plenty of rock. Some that come to mind are blue jaw, pink tail, durdgeon, sargassam, niger. Due to aggression avoid the queen, and undulate as they are usually required to be kept by themselves as they grow larger.
Lions can definately be mixed, again you will need a large tank with good filtration as they produce a large bioload. I have 2 volitans in my 220. I have also seen pics on another board of a guys who has only lions in his 240, 6 of them I think, cool tank.
Just dont mix the triggers with the lions.


We have had our 3 triggeres together for about 2 years now, I think. We got our Pinktail (5") and Picasso (2 1/2") at the same time. Lived together peacefully and continue to do so. However.............hubby, being a man, wanted the baddest fish in the ocean, so we got the Undy (3 1/2"). Don't get me wrong, she is a beaut. But, I was content with the 2 mellow fish.
The Undy chases the Picasso every once in a while. The Picasso is too fast for her though. Unlike most Undys I read about, ours is a chicken. She will never come out of the rocks when we are up at the glass. I can almost pet the Pink and Pic, but she is still very skiddish. The Pink and Pic come up to the glass and follow me around. If I am sitting on the couch and put my finger up to the glass, the Pink and Pic come over and lay up against the glass while I move my finger like I'm petting them. This goes on until I move my finger. It is the coolest thing. They truly do have their own personalities.
I asked the question at the beginning of this venture, can 2 opposite species of triggers mate? I swear our Pinktail and Undy are getting it on

Imagine what a crossbreed between the two would look like.


Active Member
I have a clown, Blueline, and a Niger.
There are some sqabbles here and there, but eventually all the fish understand who the boss is (the BlueLine).
I make sure to keep all the fish very well fed.


I will tell you from experience that you can not put triggers and lions together at all ! Triggers find the spines of lionfish to delicious to resist and will eat away at the lions until they are so stressed they die. I am saying this from experience I had a huma huma (picasso) trigger kill 2 volitans and a fuzzy dwarf, just by constantly nibbling their spines ! Just a little advice:)


At the Ron-Jon Surf Shop in Coco, They have an Undy (at least 6") with a lion (at least 8"), and have for at least 5 years that I know that is, I don't know. Except to say, they all have different personalities. Wierd, huh?


New Member
my lion fish and humu trigger got along great...but the lion fish was bigger than the humu so that is prob why; if the trigger was bigger prob would of been different