trigger/eel questions


Active Member
Ok well my parents didn't like the fact that lionfish are very that was outlawed in the tank of zeke92 >_>
i do have a question about triggerfish and snowflake eels.
can a niger trigger go in a 55 gal? will it eat a pipefish? will it eat a yellow watchman goby? not sure if they would attack something even though it can't be swallowed hole, or if they would find the goby in the rock and eat it.
would a snowflake eel be able to eat my watchman goby? since they would both be in the rock and on the ground... would it also try to eat my pipefish?
i know, the 'seahorse police' would probably disagree with putting an eel in a pipefish's tank but i've done my research and talked to trustworthy people. i am just wondering about the sizes of there mouth and if they would be able to eat them.


Originally Posted by zeke92
Ok well my parents didn't like the fact that lionfish are very that was outlawed in the tank of zeke92 >_>
i do have a question about triggerfish and snowflake eels.
can a niger trigger go in a 55 gal? will it eat a pipefish? will it eat a yellow watchman goby? not sure if they would attack something even though it can't be swallowed hole, or if they would find the goby in the rock and eat it.
would a snowflake eel be able to eat my watchman goby? since they would both be in the rock and on the ground... would it also try to eat my pipefish?
i know, the 'seahorse police' would probably disagree with putting an eel in a pipefish's tank but i've done my research and talked to trustworthy people. i am just wondering about the sizes of there mouth and if they would be able to eat them.
niger in a 55 gal yes.will it eat that pipe fish?yea!!goby probley will die 2

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
Ok well my parents didn't like the fact that lionfish are very that was outlawed in the tank of zeke92 >_>
i do have a question about triggerfish and snowflake eels.
can a niger trigger go in a 55 gal? will it eat a pipefish? will it eat a yellow watchman goby? not sure if they would attack something even though it can't be swallowed hole, or if they would find the goby in the rock and eat it.
would a snowflake eel be able to eat my watchman goby? since they would both be in the rock and on the ground... would it also try to eat my pipefish?
i know, the 'seahorse police' would probably disagree with putting an eel in a pipefish's tank but i've done my research and talked to trustworthy people. i am just wondering about the sizes of there mouth and if they would be able to eat them.

Niger in a 55 is too small long term . It will need a larger tank at adulthood.
SFE in a 55 is also too small long term . More than likely the pipe fish will be a snack . The watchman goby might be safe if its not a small one .


Active Member
the watchman is full grown. i've had him for a long time. are you sure a SFE would attack a long stick? i'll talk with my RL people aswell. i've never heard of a SFE being too big for a 55g. i know alot of people say eels will be fine in a 30 gallon.
i figured the trigger would need a bigger tank, and i guessed it would eat the other guys but i figured i would ask anyway. there pretty neat. i've never had a big fish.

el guapo

Active Member
keep in mind they get about 3 feet long and as big around as a golfball . Basicaly I just think your going to need rock work for it hide in and your going to need swimming room for the trigger .


Active Member
i read they onyl get about 2 feet or so in captivity. but if you all think it would be dangerous having an eel with a pipefish then i'll just have to find normal fishies to go with it.
off to the intronet!


One of the LFS has a Snowflake that is 3 foot long and larger in diameter then a plastic pop bottle. They *can* get very large.
Pipefish don't do well with any fast moving or aggressive fish. It stresses them out and they may be reluctant to feed if there are other fish feeding aggressively around it.

el guapo

Active Member
I am just one of those guys that believes in understocking . I think the minimum that people sugest is a bare minimum and doesn't take in to mind other inhabitants of the tank .


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
I am just one of those guys that believes in understocking . I think the minimum that people sugest is a bare minimum and doesn't take in to mind other inhabitants of the tank .
understockin ?SUPER BORNING TANK then.gotta keep them well stocked not over stocked 5 to 7 gallons is fine per fish.


understockin ?SUPER BORNING TANK then.gotta keep them well stocked not over stocked 5 to 7 gallons is fine per fish.
that is really really great advice^

el guapo

Active Member
Well boaring or not I enjoy my tank .
My fish are happy and healthy and I am only offering MY OPINION .


come on slack that is too generic a statement to make. alot of factors figure into the equation you know the setup a person has,the actual fish being combined, etc.... some people only read what they wanted to hear and now they can say whoa i CAN keep 10 triggers in my 55 with my undergravel filter air bubbler


Originally Posted by sulley
come on slack that is too generic a statement to make. alot of factors figure into the equation you know the setup a person has,the actual fish being combined, etc.... some people only read what they wanted to hear and now they can say whoa i CAN keep 10 triggers in my 55 with my undergravel filter air bubbler

real small 1s
u better up grade fast though,turn that 55 gal in 2 a sump or a feeder tank !!!but if it was drilled and sumped it would work.just think he would have more water under his tank than above


Originally Posted by zeke92
Ok well my parents didn't like the fact that lionfish are very that was outlawed in the tank of zeke92 >_>
i do have a question about triggerfish and snowflake eels.
can a niger trigger go in a 55 gal? will it eat a pipefish? will it eat a yellow watchman goby? not sure if they would attack something even though it can't be swallowed hole, or if they would find the goby in the rock and eat it.
would a snowflake eel be able to eat my watchman goby? since they would both be in the rock and on the ground... would it also try to eat my pipefish?
i know, the 'seahorse police' would probably disagree with putting an eel in a pipefish's tank but i've done my research and talked to trustworthy people. i am just wondering about the sizes of there mouth and if they would be able to eat them.

Lions are not that poisonous imo. It is comparable to a bee sting unless you are allergic. They don't move around all that much and are easy to see...Don't touch the fish and you are will not attack you
. I always enjoyed trying to talk my parents into things. Read up and prepare an argument


Active Member
The 5 gallons per inch of fish is a total fallacy.
If you were to go with that measurement a 6 inch Tang would be fine in a 30 gallon tank.

There are simply too many issues with SW fish to try to use a blanket measurement like inches to gallons. Fish territorial needs, swimming needs, behavior, feeding habits, max size, etc. all come into play for the responsible hobbyist when purchasing and raising a fish.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The 5 gallons per inch of fish is a total fallacy.
If you were to go with that measurement a 6 inch Tang would be fine in a 30 gallon tank.

There are simply too many issues with SW fish to try to use a blanket measurement like inches to gallons. Fish territorial needs, swimming needs, behavior, feeding habits, max size, etc. all come into play for the responsible hobbyist when purchasing and raising a fish.
so i dont understand a nano 29 gal with 5 fish is over crowed, if the sizes that range from 2" to 4" ?wowso your also saiin that a 180with six 6"fish is overcrowed to?man people must have super bornin tanks .mine has action 24/7 with no blood spillage from my fish(unless you are a feeder)


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
so i dont understand a nano 29 gal with 5 fish is over crowed, if the sizes that range from 2" to 4" ?wowso your also saiin that a 180with six 6"fish is overcrowed to?man people must have super bornin tanks .mine has action 24/7 with no blood spillage from my fish(unless you are a feeder)

It depends on the fish, which is what I clearly said. A 6 inch Tang and a 6 inch Goby have completely different needs. As such you cannot use blanket inch to gallon measurements with any degree of accuracy.
SW fish have different behaviors and territory requirements that must be addressed in order to successfully keep them long term.