Trigger fish, anyone?


New Member
Hello, everyone? I was hoping I could ask the board for their opinion on how to stock a tank with a very cool Picasso Trigger.. I have just completed the cycling of a 35 hex and wondering if i could possibly keep a Niger trigger along with the Huma Huma.. That's it, no more.. Just two fish with a assortment of dead coral and lava rock.. I know its not ideal swimming room for these fish but listen its the reason I got the tank.. If you think there's a better choice than the Niger please let me know, what ever your feelings are?


I have a niger & picasso in a 180 FOLR. hey're OK, but in the evening, the Picasso chases the niger into big deal, but make sure they have plenty of nooks & crannies to hide/sleep in. Also make sure filtration is very good as they are sloppy eaters & eat in a "frenzy". Always hungry.


New Member
Thanks for replying I really apreciate it.. I have the CPR backpack protein skimmer with the biological filtration.. also is it imperative that I feed them live fish which would potentially degrade the tank much sooner. although it could be entertaining...


Suggestion: Get the niger about 1-2" bigger than the Humuhumu, but I think you should add them at the same time, since triggers really get into "who wuz here 1st." Good luck, they are very very cool fish and it's fun to watch them eat live food, but make sure this is not the ONLY food they get. Another mistake often made with triggers is that since they always look hungry they often get overfed, when actually, they need less food that herbivores becuase in the wild they don't always get thier catch. I like to feed them a repeating cycle of live food, frozen meals, and prepared foods. Protein of course is important, but don't fail to add vegtable matter to every third feeding. You'll need to be prepared to clean out the tank alot no matter what though. have fun!


New Member
I had a Niger and a Picasso trigger, I found they did well together as long as they both had enough room for their own "territories" they pretty much left each other alone. I do suggest though that you chose one that is the same size as the other.
[This message has been edited by sharkie (edited 06-18-2000).]