trigger has somthing on mouth


New Member
my trigger has a white fungis like grouth on his bottom lip i was wondering what is the best thing to treat him with thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltBaby
my trigger has a white fungis like grouth on his bottom lip i was wondering what is the best thing to treat him with thanks.
Does it look like fungus or could he be getting it ripped up on coral or lr?


Originally Posted by SaltBaby
my trigger has a white fungis like grouth on his bottom lip i was wondering what is the best thing to treat him with thanks.

do you have qt?
i don't know if it's fungus or not i think it will be better if you can post picture here for the fish it will be more easy to members here to help.
but if it's fangus so this disease is due to the fact that the water quality is very poor.