trigger in 29 gal


I was at my lfs and they had a couple niger trigger about 1.5", i was wondering if i could have one in my 29, also would he being that small, is there a way i could train him not to eat hermits because i want some of those.


Active Member
i really personally would not keep a trigger in a 29 gallon, but anyhow, i just had a goofy thought, training a fish:
here boy
sit up
roll over
what else could we train them to do
not laughing at you, that is just a little dry humor that came to mind(we all need it once and a while, so PLEASE don't take this one personal, i am really not making fun, just sharing a goofy thought)
fish do learn some things, but i don't think we can train them to do things, like ignore natural foods(maybe help to avoid, by feeding well, but not train)
hey and welcome aboard


Active Member
ps, if anyone thinks taht is rude or crude and does not like it there, even you pufferfreak, just say so and i will gladly remove it <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> :D


don't worry i didn't take it personally it was kinda funny like a dog training i just ment what u said about avoiding. I really wanted a trigger but i don't want to torture it in a tiny tank compared to the ocean.


I wouldn't suggest the trigger in your tank--it's just too small for him. Although I'm sure you wouldn't be the first if you did.
We have "trained" most fish to take aquarium fare because they have no choice -either they eat what we give them or they starve-but you would be giving him a choice and I assure you he'll choose the natural kind any day. I'm glad you were not offended by the jokes, 'cause you did kinda set yourself up on that one--and it really was pretty funny.
Good Luck


New Member
I have Trained my huma huma trigger fish!!! I read that they are one of the smartest fish, ive trianed him to swim through a hoop, roll over and let me scratch his belly, and pick up shells at the bottome of the tank. I just use food as a "reward" and now when i put my hand in there to clean it is eager to bring me a shell.