trigger in a reef tank


New Member
i was wondering if anyone has had a trirrer fish in a reef tank before i know its not reef safe butg i had to put him somewhere because i sold my fish only tank, and i think my trigger is eating my crabs, what do you think has he and i guess i wshould pull him out of my reef since i need those crabs in there


Triggers won't generaly pic at corals but they do hunt your crabs and snails. I would pull him if you think he is eating them. There is someone who keeps a Niger in a reef on this board and one of the LFS does also. They claim they are no problem. Pull him, just my 2 cents.


I hava a Niger Trigger in my 120 no problems (knock on wood) he gets along very well with everything else. I also have a couple emerald crabs. still kicking.... but I might have gotten a docile trigger..:yes:


i havealways seen them eat anything they can fit in their mouths but that is only the 2 i have seen


I thought I heard that triggers crush lr with their mouths......:notsure: ??? But I dont know alot about them so who knows..........I would pull him though, I would not want to take chances like that. I know in the wild they eat urchins, lobsters an all sorts of other things.


Their is a few types of Triggers that are supposed to be Reef safe, the Niger is one of them and aslo the Blue throat which I have in with crustacions and have had no problems. He looks great!


thanks for the comments... I too have those little urchines and snails. no problems... I am pretty happy with mine.:D