

New Member
I about to finish cycling on my 150 gallon tank.
I am to introduce the following slowly:
1. Volitan lionfish
2. Niger trigger
3. Panther Grouper
What could i add as a 4th fish ?(Not an eel or angel)
Or a more colourful grouper to replace the panther?


blue spotted groupers are much nicer looking in my opinion. they have the same characteristics as the panthers, but are a little smaller overall. Some triggers bother loinfish, but the niger should be fine. A 150 gal. will get alittle crowded with those three fish once they are fully grown, so you might want to just stick with those 3. Also, make sure you have a good filter system because groupers and triggers are very messy eaters. Good luck


something like a broomtail wrasse or stonefish would fit nicely with them and even though its a personal preference i cant advise you enough not to get a panther grouper they get huge and are really not even nice looking fish there are so many nicer groupers you could get
good luck


something like a broomtail wrasse or stonefish would fit nicely with them and even though its a personal preference i cant advise you enough not to get a panther grouper they get huge and are really not even nice looking fish there are so many nicer groupers you could get
good luck


New Member
I was thinking about a harlequin tusk or a larger species of wrasse. However i read somewhere that they tend to nip the fins of Lionfish a lot???. (And with a trigger already going in there, the lionfish might well start going finless.)
What are the miniatus groupers like? I've read a bit about them but there isn't much on there behaviour?
I recently seen a blue-lined grouper which looked really cool? Does any one know anything about them ? max size etc...?


miniata gouper aka coral hind- 16in. max size, and id say no smaller tank size than a 125.
bluelined grouper- about 13in max size. 125 gal for smallest size again.
they are all the same characterstic-wise. like to hide, will eat untill they burst, and are very friendly. I still say go with a bluespot grouper though, mine comes right to the top of the water when I come in the room because he LOVES to be pet!


New Member
I would definitely go w/ a bluespotted grouper. I have one with a niger, lunar wrasse, and snowflake eel and they all do good together. The bluespotted is really interesting bc it changes color frequently and eats like a horse. But don't feed him too much. As for the fourth fish, I'd go with a lunare wrasse. They're beautiful fish, very hardy, and not too aggressive.
i know u said no eels but if you could support it you might wanna think about a dragon moray the 1 i have sits out all day well not all day but alot of the time. but he has eatin all of the small fish i have tried to put in there 5 in or less.