Trigger / Lionfish stocking order?


Active Member
Curious about stocking order with this supposed docile trigger.
Was looking at a Blue Throat Trigger and curious if he was the first one in a tank if he would become aggressive towards new tankmates (ie Lion) if they were added after him.
I know they are "THE REEF SAFE" trigger but, does stocking order on these matter as much?
Xanthichthys auromarginatus


Active Member
i think stocvkin order is VERY important.. you want to add the agressive, territorial fish last always.. alwso i know that they are more docile of the trigger family but as you know im sure just watch him closely so he doesnt kill your lionfish.. it can happen within minutes

shark bait

I would put the lion in first as he will give you some issues feeding right off the bat. If you put in the trigger he whould go after the food and well the lion would not eat. So best bet is lion first, let him sit for a month, make sure he will eat frozen krill and things of that type then you can look at the trigger.
love that trigger, I have seen a male and female in some tanks and it is quite a cool site.