Trigger Lovers


How many other people are die hard fans of Triggers?? I absolutley love 'em. I think they are so much fun to watch/have. Does anybody else feel the same? Please post any pics you might have and share your favotites... Unfortunately I have yet to get a good picture of mine, but I have a gorgeous 3 inch Niger.


New Member
I cannot wait until I can get a Humu. What size tank do you have and what are the Niger's tankmates?


Active Member
Not a HUGE fan of them, but they're exceptionally cool fish.
I've owned Queens, Blue Throats, Clowns, Durgeons, Humus, Assassi and Nigers.


Active Member
I love triggers but do not have any. I find them fascinating and fun to watch when they are not hiding.


Right now I have him in a 72 gal Bow...he has it all to himself. Im in the process of cycling my new 180 that I got for myself for Christmas... Once that is done however I am not too sure what I am going to put in it... One step at a time. Then I have to think about what is going to go in the 72... If I decide to keep it up and running. Well see I do still need to get married.