trigger (niger?) w/ dwarf lion


I have been trying to figure out a possible combination for an agressive tank.
Several have mentioned lions and triggers.
However I thought that the trigger would pick at the lion? Is this true for all triggers?


Originally Posted by xDave
Nigers usually don't bother lions.

So if that is true here's my idea:
niger trigger
lion (what kind in a 62 x 19 x 19 110g?)
corris wrasse
2 maroon clowns
maybe later on a s.f.eel


my 4" niger never messes with my 10" volitan in my 60" long 100g. my lion is actaully a little big for my setup, but i'm dealing with that. Trying to figure something out. He's just a little cramped for right now. anyway. they get along great. never had an issue in 6 months since they've been together.