trigger nipping lion


My bluethroat trigger has just started to nip at the fins of my vol. Is there anything i can do to stop this or do i just have to give one back? The vol is bigger than the trigger too and with his fins and spines out he is double his size. The trigger is nipping at the poisonous spines on his back. how is he not getting stung? Thanks..PS there in a 125gal


the trigger is going to have to go back
Either the trigger will die from getting stung or the lion will eventually die
This is normal with triggers once the learn that they can taste a lion without dieing they ususally continue doing this


Active Member
I recently lost my 8 inch lion because my humu humu and blue throat triggers decided they didnt like him anymore. The took the tips off of all his dorsal spines, shredded his fins and ate half of his tail.