trigger picky?


my hummu trigger will eat anything but squid all the other things in the marine cuisine pack he will eat and krill shrimp but not the squid anyone else with this happen i guess i will throw it away cause all it does will fly around the tank and he spits it out
dont throw it out.... buy another fish that will eat squid :D .... You might as well save it for a few weeks just incase you get a new fish that enjoys squid...
My fish are funny. If I give them one food and they like it then that's all they want to eat for like a month, but after a while they want something different, I usaully rotate with foods. Although some of my fish are always up for any food, like my trigger :)


Mine wont touch the smaller chopped up squid. I recently bought some solid squid that was not chopped up fine and my current one will eat that.


thanks i guess i will feed it to my tang he kind of eats it but it would take so long for him toeat one cube I might mix it with something to blend in with it and see that is funny how fish are picky just like us about foods you would think anything from squid to shrimp would be on their daily meals