Trigger Police?



I have noticed this before only with my humma hummas, they seem to police my tanks keeping bully's in check. i've just bought a beautiful Red Sea Lunar Wrasse a couple days ago, at least this is what the store told me it looks like a normal lunar but its much darker more blue than Greenish like my other ones have been, help me out if u can if it happens to be something different....neway i was hesitant of getting it because it was almost 3x the size of my largest fish(Humma humma). Now i also have 8 small damsels and one very territorial yellow damsel has a cave in the middle of the tank that is "his!"...the humma and small GS maroon live/sleep in a big cave rock at the other end of the tank. But when the huge wrasse would swim its powerful body too close to the "yellow damsels house" the humma humma would try to chase him away, but when the wrasse would swim all in the humma hummas cave he would do nothing. is this normal behavior from humma hummas and do ne other types of fish display this?


Active Member
In my experience, whomever the "Top Dog" is in an aggressive set up, they often don't like other fish being bullies. For Example, my Sohal Tang is rather mellow, but the undisputed king of my tank, the only time I have ever seen him bully my Arabian (Asfur) Angel is when the the Arabian hassles my Emperor Angel.
Triggers are goofy fish though, nothing a Trigger does surprises me anymore.
As far as the Wrasse, not sure, however I do know Lunare are very wide ranging, it's not surprising if this one is from the Red Sea that it would look a bit different than the ones from the Indian and Pacific Ocean....Don't know what it is but about any fish coming from the Red Sea is just beautiful....Did he cost more than normal? Would like a picture if possible.


Active Member
The humma humma isn't going to be top dog for long with a lunar.
BTW with a lunar they will change color depending on the mood. Mine would be very blue and then later be green.


The tank is a 125g. The GS Maroon clown is a little under 3 inches the trigger is maybe 3 1/2- 4 inches and the big wrasse is like 7 inches or so ...i usually like to get all my fish at juvenile size and raise them up...but he was such a beautiful fish...i got him for $46 which i thought was a good deal considering his size and how pretty it was.....i could take a picture of it but i dont really know how to go about putting it on here.......I've had a lunar before and i hadn't really noticed any aggression, they've jus been really fast and had big apetites. Although i did notice when the trigger would go after it at times the wrasse circle him "yo, im almost 3x ur size u aint going be punking me!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The humma humma isn't going to be top dog for long with a lunar.
BTW with a lunar they will change color depending on the mood. Mine would be very blue and then later be green.
I don't agree with that one necessarily, yes the Lunare outsizes him and always well, but an established Huma can be quite belligerent. Order of introduction is extremely important with aggressive fish....I had a Lunare and Niger introduced at the same time in my previous tank at the same size, the Niger was easily the dominant fish of those 2. My Sunset Wrasse is still larger than my Sohal, but he wants no part of the Sohal. Wrasses are tough and fast, but they are often more concerned with food than being the top fish.


Active Member
My blond naso, which is fairly docile but also one of my largest fish, will break up most aggression in my tank. I've heard of this happening before too.


Active Member
I have a 6 inch Lunare or LUNATIC as I call them some times and a 3 inch Huma Huma Triug in my 150 and the trigger is the newest of the 2 in the tank. The wrasse is afraid of the trigger I have noticed at least here but fish are differant.


Active Member
I have a harlequin tusk thats really aggressive(he tore up a little foxface i had) and my Huma taunts him until the tusk starts chasing him and when the tusk gives up then the huma will start following him again. Hes like a passive aggresive picasso. Suffice to say my tusk seems to have settled down a bit since.