Trigger ponderings/pics

I have been watching my 3 triggers the past few weeks, I have been enjoying watching them and there individual behavior. The shyest of the bunch is the Rectanglus, he tends to stay toward the surface and mid-levels in the tank. He is the least aggressive during feeding tending to snatch a piece move to the opposite side of the tank, tear it up then return for more. He has started to loose a little weight though he seems to eat his share, so I am starting to get a little concerned and if it continues he is going to be put in the Q-tank for a little while.
To the huma huma shy is an unknown word. He is the first to the food or to the glass to see if there is food coming, he is also the one most likely to bite when I am doing tank maintance. He is all over the tank with no real fear of anything except the fimbriated which is a smart choice. With such a close resemblance between the rectanglus and the huma one would almost expect similar behavior. I am glad in a way they are not, they are both a very interesting fish that have a lot of color and personality.
The undulated is the odd ball of the bunch. The huma learned early on that he will bite back if messed with, and at times be the one more than willing to chase someone away from his rock. His feeding behavior is nothing like the others, he tends to ‘stock pile his food’ as in grabbing it and moving it to his rock then going for more. When there is no more offered he returns to his cache and eats by jambing larger pieces of food(shrimp, krill, silver sides ect.) into a crevice and then tearing it into smaller pieces. He still makes his share of mess but nothing like the huma.
The all three of them know that the moray is bad news so they all stay clear and beat a quick retreat when he rears his head for food.(I wish the tusk had been that smart) :mad:
I just decided to post this since I have been having fun watching them. I also am curious about other peoples triggers and there personalities and how they get along with there tank mates. OK OK !!!! I’ll shut up and post the pics :p Sheesh :p :D (the pics are not the best)
Undulated displaying 3.5 "

Huma Huma 4"

Rectanglus 4 "

Well I just figured I share .


Active Member
Has a FOTW been done on triggers. Really good write up if it hasn't already been done.
My experience with a niger trigger was good. The only problem was I knew he would get rather large, and decided to get a blue throat instead. I've noticed that the blue throat, and niger a considerably more shy than my huma. The niger was given away a while back. Although the huma doesn't bother the blue throat, he is constantly out, and afraid of nothing. He's the 1st at the top of the tank for feeding, and has no problem taking food from my SFE, or porc puffer. I've even been attacked by a huma, when diving in Hawaii.
I think that the triggers are a great aggressive fish for beginers. IME, they have been extremely hardy, and disease resistant. They eat just about anything I put in the tank, even nori. I have to watch my fingers when messing around inside the tank.
Here's a pic of my old niger eating seaweed selects.
Bo(aka Grouperhead) did a FOTW on triggers, it was much more complete with much more needed info. This is just me having to much time on my hands this afternoon and spacing out in front of the trigger tank. It was a good way to relax. :)
BTW Stacy , I have always been a fan of nigers, there color is almost unbeatable. But your right they just get to big for most aquriums.


Active Member
I've got a Huma and a Niger in my tank. The niger is the bigger of the two. But the huma is by far more aggressive in nature. When it comes to feeding none of the fish in my tank are shy. Everyone goes for everything, for which I'm grateful. I've had the huma for about a year and a half. It's grown maybe an inch or so. That surprised me. I really though it would grow faster. The niger I've had about 6 months and it's maybe grown half an inch. Of the two I like the niger the best. The constant sand spitting of the huma makes a mess of the tank. But, you got to love his personality. Mine likes to swim laps in the back of the tank now and again. Usually in and out of rocks and checking out the tank and then all of he suddens he starts his lap swimming and will do it for probably 20 minutes at a time.
All in all, I love triggers and look forward to them becoming adults in tank.