Trigger(s) in a 120g


Hi, all. I'm new here, and back into the hobby after a 15 year absence. I'm about to set up a 120 gallon, and want to keep a trigger or two in it (probably two). I want to keep the population down to avoid any potential overcrowding issues (e.g., death). Anyway, my question is, and forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section, but as far as filtration goes, am I ok going with ADHI Model 30 Bio Filter (up to 135 gallons), or should I be going with a larger filter with the idea that bigger is better? I also plan to have some live rock in the tank to aid in filtration. I would assume that this would take care of my filtration needs. Anyway, I would appreciate your insight. Thank you in advance.

small triggers

Active Member
okay, personally i wouldnt not bother with a canister filter(that is what you are talking about right?) A sump and a LARGE skimmer are going to benefit you longer in the the end. I have a 150g w/ a 40g sump and a ASM G3 skimmer. I run Exthraphos in a media bag every now ans then, carbon that i change every 3 weeks and the overflow goes through a filter sock. The moe water volume the better, triggers are VERY messy. You could do the 2 triggers def. until they are full grown and that is going to depend on the ones you choose and the actual size of your tank.


I think that's a real good unit I also like the model 45;
36 x 16 x 18
225g Rating
2 x 1"
15.5 x 12
1200 gph
G-2 & G-3 Footprint...***I think you would do better with a G-2 over a G-1 considering the size and bio load for the 120g.


I personally run canister filters on all my tanks and have no sumps.
I have 125 gallon with two canister filters and two over the back filters with a small amount of live rock that has been running for two years with no problems.
I also have a 180 gallon with two large canister filters and three over the back filters.
I think it just depends on what you prefer some people prefer to go with sumps,your choice.


Thanks for your replies. I would definitely want to do the sump, as that is what I remember having the most success with in my earlier days. Does a few riggers in a tank that size sound like too much? (either a Humu Humu or a Bursa and maybe a Clown Trigger).

small triggers

Active Member
i think they will be fine, they do both get to 12 inches even in captivity.... so hopfully your tank is atleast 6 ft long?


This may be kind of a dumb/weird question, but I have looked around and not found an answer (which leads me to think that it may be a dumb question). Upon filling the aquarium for the first time, and while doing periodic water changes. I was thinking about filling the tank with water like Deer Park, or an equivalent. I Would have to get a hell of a lot of 5 gallon jugs, but if it is worth it I may actually consider it. Any thoughts, or is this just stupid?

small triggers

Active Member
it would be cheaper in the long run to buy an RO or and RO/DI unit and use that for the water (especially if you are on a well or city water thats bad).