Trigger school?


I was wondering if it's ok to have more then one Niger in a a tank. I was told today that it was ok to have 3 to school together. What is your thought?
I really don't know if they would school in a tank or not. They would need a huge tank. If you had enough rock and not much else you might be alright with three in a 180, I have no experience with three of the same species triggers in the same tank. It is hard to say, but would be neat to see nigers schooling !!


I have one male and two female blue throat triggers in a 180 gal tank. I started with the male then added the females about a month later. I was prepared before I started this may not work, that is why I put the male in first. If I had to chose I wanted a male instead of a female. They have been togther for around three months now with no problems.
I also have a pineapple trigger, it is his tank and always will be, and a mexican dragon eel in the tank. In my opinion four triggers (even mellower ones) in a 180 gal is pushing it. I have already started setting up a custom 375 gal (8' x 30" x 30").