Trigger set - ups


New Member
Does anyone have any experience with large tanks (+150g) with triggers. I have seen in a dozen trigger only setups with the following mature triggers. Like..
Huma / Niger / Clown
Huma / Blue cheek / Pinktail / Niger
In which all the fish had been fine for years!(I know most people suggest only one or two of the less aggresive triggers per tank.)


I have a 100G, with a 4.5" clown trigger, and a 3" huma huma, a dwarf lion and a sunset wrasse. The clown trigger is definitely very aggressive, but has been with the huma huma for two years now, and they get along fine. The clown chases him around every now and then, but that is his way of showing the other fish he's the boss! I don't know how many triggers you want, but; I would say no more than 3 for a 150, and add them at the same time, and make sure they are all pretty close to the same size. Also, make sure to have plenty of hiding spots for them to each have their own territory. Then watch them very carefully to see if anyone is being severely picked on. Good Luck!
if the fish are small they can probably live. but as they grow they might become more aggressive. triggers need alot of space and lr. in the wild they are very territorial and their territories consist of alot of square feet.


i have a 125 with a huma/ niger/ clown all the same size, and they go together fine. They are the only fish in the tank, and only about 4-5 in. each... eventually they will outgrow it though so if u were to try to do somethin glike that plan to upgrade


New Member
I think at some point i would have to upgrade to an even larger tank. Hopefully 400g+ after a couple of years thinking about/saving for it
And use my present tank as the sump?
What decorations do you use?.
I have used tufa as is cheap heavy, reduces them moving it around the tank and it keeps the ph stable. As i have macro-algae growing in my 2 refugium as it is much more affective than live rock)(using 24/7 on normal marine tubes)
How often do you feed yours?
As advise seems to vary a bit from 3 time a week to twice a day depending on the wanted growth rate and your filtration quality.
Thanks for the replies.


I keep my triggers happily fed, as I think it makes them a little less aggressive when they are full. I feed them once a day, a diet of krill, formula 2, trigger formula. They will eat anything!