trigger/ tank cycle


I wanted to know if there are any triggers that will not eat any hermit crabs. I want to get a really small one to put it in my 30. It has 20 pounds live sand, 8 lbs. live rock. Also how long would it take for the tank described above to cycle. Thanx.


Active Member
Triggers eat alot of things but I don't think they hermits.
Get yourself a picasso - I think they are the coolest.
If you want the least agreesive go with the Niger.


YEs a trigger will eat your hermits if it can. I have a baby queen who bit away peices of a shell on a hermits back to "taste" it! I guess it didn't like it because after a few bites it left the hermit, still twitching to be eaten by a flame hawk, and a juvi asfur angel! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> and lets not forget that all species of triggerfish grow 2 large for a 30g aquarium, these are large, greedy and meschievious waste generating machines and even in bigger tanks filtration must be brisk, so just imagine what it would be like in a 30! Good fishkeeping ;)


A 30 gal is to small for any aggressive fish and you should never cycling with fish. I did the dead shrimp method and it worked great.


To cycle with shrimp all you do is put a dead shrimp in the tank and monitor the ammonia, nitrate, ph, and nitrate. With a 30 gal. tank you can put in 1-2 deadshrimp(ones you get from the grocery store). Your ammonia should go up real high and then drop to 0 and then your nitrite will go up and drop to 0. A couple days after the nitrite hit 0 I took out my shrimp. This process took me in my 55 gal tank about 3 weeks. I then waited a week to add fish and they had no ill effects at all. I will try to find the website that list it out better!