To hlcroghan and txfishman, thank you very much, i appreciate your advice a lot. The eel is/was brackish. The picture of the scorpionfish from txfishman is very similar, but mine is more of a red-red, not maroon red, know what i mean? Its hard to explain the exact color. Also he does not have the little protruding things on his eyes. IS there a way to upload a pic of him on here? I know i need a bigger tank in general, but honestly, right now all the fish are pretty small and they are fine, the tank is not crowded, i have seen crowded tanks and this is not. Eventually, yeah, i know how big all the fish can get. Would they all love to be in a bigger tank right now, no doubt, but it isnt too small for them right now. In a book i read about the many types of aquarium fish, there were 2 that looked like my scorpionfish, sadly one of them reached a max length of 14", while the other only about 6". I dont know which one of those it is. To srfisher17, if i knew what species it was, i wouldnt be on here asking for advise. I came here for an opinion, not "hey you, get a bigger tank cuz i dont care what you say, its overstocked". Honestly, if it truly were overstocked, it would be crawling with algea and the bad kind, the fish would all be trying to kill each other all the time, and they would all have some major disease going. Neither of those are true. I whole heartedly admit it could be bigger and they would love it. I am not here to dispute that, i wanted help on which one of those two needed to go now. And i will take advice, in fact, i asked for it, but i am not taking advice just because someone wants to act smug. And sorry if i offended anyone by saying that at some point i worked at a pet store as a manager, but its not like im some idiot that doesnt know how to take care of animals. I am no expert, but im not stupid, nor did i say anyone called me that. You want to help me, just say which one of the these two fish i should part with right now before the trigger gets really hurt. On a side note, this really only seems to happen at night, after like 9pm, its odd.