Trigger with cloudy eye, frayed fin...


New Member
I went to the LFS and bought two medications.
One is called Cephalexin, which is a Cephalosporin Antibiotic for the teratment of non-specific bacterial infections. The other med is called Furan-2 which contains Nitrofurazone, Furazoldine and Methylene Blue Trihydrate. Does anyone have any recomendations or experience with these products? The Trigger has had the cloudy eye and fin condition for about a week and the water quality is good. I will treat the fish in the Q tank.


Staff member
Use the product containing the Nitrofurazone. Did the medication label give the measurement for the ingredients by chance?
Does the LFS also have Maracyn2? You should try to find that med too; if you do not see improvement, or if the situation gets worse using the Nitrofurazone, you will need to switch antibiotics to Maracyn2. Don't waste money on buying a variety of different antibiotics. Gram Negetive effected antibiotics is what you want.
Additionally, if your fish is still eating try soaking its food in garlic juice or extract. Garlic has a mild antibiotic quality to it. Also, do you have Zoe or Zoecon supplement? If so, use this alternately with the garlic.