Trigger with Fleas???


If he was a dog I would think he had fleas.
My Huma seems to drag his side along the sand.
I don't know if he is trying to make a hole (like the clown does) or if he is scratching himself.
He didn't do it a lot at first but now does it more and more.
Anybody ever seen something like this?


its probably got some sort of parasite, maybe ich. I had had a niger triger do the same thing. he had ich but i didnt know it till it was to late. check yours for signs of any kind of parasite


My Picasso Trigger does this from time to time, but I do not think it is cause for alarm unless he is exhibiting other funky behaviors. Have you tested your water levels? Sometimes an unblanaced pH level can remove the protective "film" on the fishes scales and will cause little organisms to adhere to them there, causing them to be itchy for a couple of days? Did he start doing this within a couple of days of a water change? Mine has done this scratching thing for about 2 days anytime I add buffer to the tank. He has a bad habit of attacking the buffer as I pour it in, causing his coating to come off.
I would watch him for another day and see if either there are parasites (ICH is visible, removed coating is not visible) on him, or see if he stops the behavior. Become alarmed if he is not eating properly.