trigger wont eat..


New Member
i have a niger trigger which is about a year old.. he is usually the hungriest out of all my fish.. for the past couple of days he has been staying in the rocks and just swimming in one place..not even comming out to eat. Now he swims slowly around the tank and looks very weak..he bumps into things and still wont eat. Doest even seem to have the strength to swim away or hide when i moved a couple of rocks in the tank. All the other fish seem normal except for him.. can anyone give me suggestions on what the problem could be? Please help.. :help:


Active Member
What are the exact levels of your pH, nitrates, and specific gravity? And what are you testing your specific gravity with? Also, is anything bullying the niger trigger?


New Member
he still wont eat.. he just sits in his cave and doesnt even swim around. if he had ick or any other diseases there would there be physical signs? Like spots on his fins or discoloration of any sort? All my other fish are okay though they all seem healthy and normal, i have a yellow tang and two damsels in there. None of the other fish have ever picked on the trigger being he was larger than anyone else except the yellow tang. If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts of what could be wrong please help in any way. thank you for your comments.


Boy I don't know. You have had him quite some time and he all of the sudden quit eating? When we first got our Undulated, all she did was hide. She is pretty timid most of the time and when feeding time arrives, but she loves krill and stops at nothing to get it.
I have read on other threads and in some aquaria books that they can go severl days without eating, and that they may "choose" to do so on purpose. Maybe? :notsure:
But if you have had your Niger for a while, I am not experienced enough to even wager a guess. Maybe something scared it and it is taking some time to recoup from stress? I don't know, but would like updates if you don't mind. Nigers are one of the "prettiest" of the triggers.
I hope you get him to eat soon. Peace, Cindy!


Active Member
Try enticing the trigger with some brine soaked in garlic additive, or live shrimp/silversides, etc. Only try this a couple of times, and if it doesn't work then I would QT immediately until he starts eating again.


New Member
thanks for your replies.. i have him QT'd now and i am trying to feed him frozen krill soaked in garlic daily.. still no luck. not sure what else to do.. he has no signs of ick.. just moves around every now and then along the bottom..just waitin to see if he'll start eating again.