


I have had my tank running for over two years now and my almost 2 year old fuzzy dwarf lionfish died the other day and i was wondering what triggers i could get. I currently only have a snowflake ell, 5 inch yellow tang, and almost a 3 inch tomato clown and about 10 hermits and 4 snails. The tank is a 50 gal. and i want him to be happy and not eat anything.
(maybe a hummu hummu trigger)?????


Active Member
You really need to be carefull with hermits and triggers. My brothers triggers would pick up the hermits to the top of the tank and drop them on a rock until the shell broke or they died. Very interesting behavior but costly to the hermits. If you need to have a trigger, try a horseshoe crab instead to turn the sand. I have one in my 125 and it does an awesome job. They leave cool shells behind when they molt, too. Before any of this however, I would find the root cause of the lions death.


Sorry about the loss... was it disease or just "old age"?
Anyhow, you could get the Humu Humu or Rectangular or the Niger but probably not a Clown Trigger because they get very aggressive as they get bigger. Keep in mind that triggers get somewhat large and for a 50g it would eventually outgrow it, But for the meantime you can get a small one (2-5") and enjoy it for many years until it gets too big. Good luck! Oh, the Niger would be your best bet because they a re a lot more docile than the others. I have one in a reef tank and he has never bothered anything including the snails and hermits.


It died of old age. Thank you for your input. but i still think the humu humu looks cooler but i think i might just get a niger.


got a hummu he doesn't mess with hermits at all but killed my little snails so i got a couple real big ones and he doesn't mess with them either so everything is living now he just plucks at the live rock and i can hear it across the room pretty nice looking so are nigers though