
tanks alot

i wanted to know how many triggers i can put in my 125 and what can i put with them i currently have nofish right now


Active Member
Depends on size of the triggers and the types..
A large clown trigger would have to be alone, not for size, but territoral issues...
you could get more smaller triggers (assuming you have a growth plan even if it's selling them)

tanks alot

i wanted probably a trigger an angel and a lunare wrasse can you make suggestions on what type of triggers and angel. i use to have a humahuma in my old tank i liked them but my was very agressive so i had bad expierence with the huma


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tanks Alot
i wanted probably a trigger an angel and a lunare wrasse can you make suggestions on what type of triggers and angel. i use to have a humahuma in my old tank i liked them but my was very agressive so i had bad expierence with the huma
See that's the problem with triggers, they are like pit bulls...some are really nice and some would eat you if they had the chance..
Some will be fine and then "snap" like a pit bull and kill the tank for no reason.
Going into this you must understand and except that...if you can't then look to another family of fish..triggers are not for you.
Now in "general" and I'll say that because it's a crap shot with triggers...
You pick all the ones you like and then add the least agressive first then add the more aggressive later.
Niger triggers, blue throats are not to mean...lunare wrasse are probably just as mean if not meaner than triggers...Angel, I'd get a larger angel like an emporer but that would eventually outgrow the tank. Most angels that you'd want would eventually get to big for
your tank.
I'd instead recommend a yellow tang/ blue hippo or power blue tang. Even maybe an achillies.


Active Member
i had a niger triger for about a year and was as sweet as can bee up untill about 2 weeks ago then he started biting eyes out and killed 99% of my livestick, all he left was a puffer

tanks alot

ok so what should i get i want a lunare wrasse i cant have eel im not eel proof i like lions but dunno suggestions


The blue throat is a peaceful fish and great looking and you can keep male with several females if added together. It also doesnt get really big like the more aggressive trigers. Really you will run into problems with aggressiveness due to lack of space. This is true with many fish, except triggers just happen to want to own more space than most.


Originally Posted by Tanks Alot
ok so what should i get i want a lunare wrasse i cant have eel im not eel proof i like lions but dunno suggestions

Eel proof? As long as the eel is happy and has a good hiding place you dont have to have everything sealed up like you would an octopus. There is a really cool one that gets only 12 in ches long on the Marine Center Site, he is expensive but ideally suited for captivity(Golden Dwarf Moray).

tanks alot

i have an overflow box that the eel can swim into iwant a lunare wrasse and maybe a vlion what else could i get wth those too