
I have a new tank. I bought 55 pounds of rock so far. I want ot have a reef community tank. I want a niger trigger. The lfs says it will be fine but on here it says they are not reef safe. Does anyone know anything about them?
Every Niger I've ever seen in a reef has been a model citizen. They cannot eat your corals or other sationary inverts as their mouths point upwards. They would have to turn almost upside down in order to do this. They eat from the water column.


they are one of 50/50 chance of being reef safe. some do OK and others go after corals. all of them will eventually go after snails and shrimp though. but the people that have them in their tanks say that its a nice trade off if they only go after the snails on occasion.
so its a chance you would have to take and watch out for.


Should be ok with clowns.....but every fish is different, some will be totally fine with everything in a reef community...........others not so nice. I have had success with niger trigger, only thing he didnt like was yellow tail damsels, but can you blame him?? I couldnt. Good luck.


Active Member
Is this for your 75 or is it a larger tank? IMO, it would be real crowded to have a niger in a 75.