

I have a pink tail trigger and yellow tang in a 135 gallon tank lots of rock and hiding spaces. I would like to get a clown trigger and blue throat female trigger, what do u guys think? any problems with that thanks - mike


A lot of people will tell you a clown trigger is asking for trouble, that they'll snap and kill all your fish. Not sure if that's true, mine is getting along just fine, but time will tell I guess. Best thing I can say is if you want to get a clown trigger, know that it's a risky fish, keep an eye on it.


thanks, i know i read that as well, they are such an awesome fish and i always wanted one. thanks again - mike


I really don't see how any one fish can wipe out an entire tank, instantly. %% Unless you keep slow, non-agressive fish with it and have no hiding spots. As long as you watch your tank once in a while, you should be able to spot any agression and deal with it.
And just an observation... I think a lot of people have this problem because they don't provide enough hiding places. They have a pile of rocks or two that the fish can swim around but no way for them to hide in there.


Active Member
CTs can play nice, even for years, then go postal. You can never let your guard down with these fish. I recently had a med CT kill a Goldbar Wrasse, a fast and aggressive fish, before I could do anything about it. Scary, the CT was just staring at the wrasse and suddenly was chewing at the wrasses gills. Several years ago, I had one (about 8") kill or maim almost every tank occupant over a week-end. All of this tanks fish were together for at least 3 years; victims included a Niger Trigger, porcupine puffer, pinkface wrasse and a couple others. Many authors recommend a species tank for these fish and I finally agree with them.


Dude, you're scaring me.
Are you saying Manny is gonna go postal on me?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Dude, you're scaring me.
Are you saying Manny is gonna go postal on me?
Nope. Manny will be a perfect, well behaved fish-citizen for years to come. (Maybe.) Great fish, though, aren't they? (Even if they draw blood from their owners on occasion.)
i have had clowntriggers and never has one ever gone off and kill my fish. they are aggressive if bothered .i have had huma's be meaner. as long as you give him enough to eat and plenty hiding places .


Yeah, they're really cool fish. In fact Manny (the CT) is the only fish in the tank not intimidated by the large Sohal. Whenever the Sohal tries to push him around, Manny just turns his side and doesn't move from the spot.


I have a stubborn scullpin, and Red Rooster Wasp fish that refuse anything but life stuff. My pet store ran out of ghost shrimp for a couple weeks (not usual) so I broke down and bought some guppies. My Bursa Trigger only about 4 inches right now, tore through them like a lawn mower. Very impressive! He's so friendly too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clowntrigger2k
i have had clowntriggers and never has one ever gone off and kill my fish. they are aggressive if bothered .i have had huma's be meaner. as long as you give him enough to eat and plenty hiding places .
You're lucky! This goes against everything I know and everything I've ever read about CTs. Authors Fenner, Michael, Paletta included