Triggers and Puffers?

well i had porky puffer with a clowntrigger and a huma not problems until he went blind and even than they didn,t hurt him but it is hit or miss ,with the puffer i had he ruled the tank but some other people don,t like to miss triggers with puffers but either way good luck :D

beach bum

It depends on the trigger, the puffer, and individual behaviors, introduction time, size differences, tank size, blah, blah, blah...
All that said I have a pineapple trigger with a stars and stripes puffer and they get along no problems, trigger rules 95% of the time and the stars and stripes rules at feeding! This puffer takes his food SERIOUSLY! I tried introducing a stellatus puffer before and within a minute the trigger tried to take a bite of him (in the face, ouch). A week later - the stellatus was dominant over everybody, would straight up try to take bites of the triggers hide! He had to go, and I thought I would have trouble keeping him 'cuz of his size! I thought wrong. :)


I had a huma and a Stars and Stripes with No problems at all. They got along well and never seemed to have bothered each other.


...and we have a huma with a porcupine and a panther, no problems at all. Huma was added last. As a matter of fact, the panther (who is HUGE) eats formula one frozen, and I dropped it in the tank the other day...he accidentally grabbed hold of the huma as he was going for the food, swam across the tank with the trigger flat against his mouth, then let him go. The huma had no ill effects, and the panther went on to eat his formula one.