Triggers and Sharks??


Active Member
Just curious, could you mix a clown trigger with a leopard shark, or for that matter, can you mix any triggers with any sharks???


At a friends house, i saw a blacktip with a clown and huma trigger. It was with tangs and angels too. He said that as long as it is well fed and the other fish are healthy, the shark will leave them alone.


Active Member
Not necessarily the sharks that I am worried about. The triggers can be particularly nippy. I know I had a bad time even with bamboos and large angels, which took an unfortunate interest in the eyes of the bamboos
The sharks still did OK with special attention to feeding them, but I don't know if I would risk the combination of a nippy fish with a shark again.


Active Member
what would you say if you tried to put a clown trigger(or alternate triggers) with a leopard shark???


I have seen a 6 in queen angel picking the top fin of a 8 in leapord shark that were housed in a 125 at the LFS... The shark didnt attempt to fight back and it was also bleeding
I think the combo of a trigger and leapord will be way worse..


Active Member
I would say the same thing everyone said to the original question. Triggers and sharks - and most certainly a generally aggressive trigger like a clown - are not a good combination at all.