triggers and turbo snails and lawnmower blennies


New Member
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is it possible to keep turbo snails with 2 baby triggers (about 3in long). I have alot of micoalgae in a fish only aquarium, and I refuse to use chemicals to control the algae. If it's not possible to keep turbo snails would I be able to keep a lawnmower blenny with the triggers if the blenny is larger than the triggers? Thanks for any helpful suggestions. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I have more questions than answers....what are your water parameters and have you measured your phosphate lately? Do you use a skimmer? How often do you feed your fish? Are the two baby triggers the only fish you have? How big is your tank?
I have had a lawnmower blennie and he did eat alot of algea but didn't come close to controling algea in my 45 gal. I had to buy a good clean-up crew, including snails and hermits. Although the triggers are babies now, they won't be babies forever, so it seems to me that it's just a matter of time before they have your snails for lunch. ;)