Triggers for a reef tank?


Active Member
I am curious as to what the best possiblities are for Triggers in my reef tank.
I know that it will always be a risk but, what are the most likely Triggers out there to keep my reef running good?
Sargassum? Pink-Tail? BlueJaw?
The tank is a 120g with a 40g sump and ample filtration for the big pooper. :D
I have lots of inverts and small fish and I am not sure if there are any Triggers that will keep thier cool.


Active Member
My vote would be for the blue jaw. I've had mine in my reef without any problems, plust they stay on the small side. Very mild mannered fish, plus lots of color.


Although my set up is not exactly reef, I have a lot of LR sand, some mushrooms, etc... I introduced some snails, and crabs that picked up from the sea here in Greece.
The niger did not bother anything in the tank. The hummu is a disaster. The snails are all gone, a few of the crabs too. Plus he will take a bite at anything that seems apetizing.Even my fingers....
However, I would not change the hummu for anything; these fish are such characters. They always mess around with something.


Active Member
Sargassums and crosshatches are generally considered the 'most' reefsafe and predictable triggers. And, unless you want to burn a lot of cash, I'd go with a sargassum. Bluejaws are the next best. Nigers tend to be the least predictable of the planktonic species. Bo


Active Member
How large do the Sargassums usually get? Fast growers?
If I ever did decide to go with one it would be very, very small but, I still worry about it eating my other fish.


Active Member
Sargassum's won't feed on or harrass other fish in the aquarium, except for extremely rare occasions.. I'd be a lot more worried about it eating inverts. A large sargassum would push 8" or so....Bo

tony detroit

Active Member
Tropicorium in Michigan has one of those bulletin boards by the cash register where pictures of customer's tanks are. I have seen a large reef tank, and a very nice reef tank at that with a niger trigger in it on that board.


Active Member
Bluejaw/Bluechin/Bluethroat are all the same species. They will more than likely be ok with shrimp, but it would be safest to add the trigger after all motile inverts have been added. Bo


Do they eat live food??
because I have 3 cleaner and 2 fire shirmp..
and they do cost more than Blue Jaw... what would be the
peacefulest trigger in the world? that wont eat small fish
and shirmp


I did some Reserch..
I think
Xanthicthys <-- this familly triggers are peaceful (Crosshatch, Blue JAw)
Rhinecanthus this are the killer family (Undulated, Rectanguler,Bursa,Huma Huma, assasi
Balistoides <-- this are the best looking one
(Clown, Titan)


not a cross hatch
Sargassum <-- this guy..
I tried copy it..because of hard spelling.. oops but wrong one..
I never seen cross hatch before.. Just pictures


arent blue jaws, sargassum's?
would a blue jaw be able to maintain a happy life in a 75 gallon, long term?