Triggers & lion

s.a. boy

Are Triggers and Lions Difficult to keep? (I'm New at this my tanks only been running for a month)
Should the trigger be the last fish I add to my tank.
I'm looking to get a picaso Trigger


New Member
I believe that would be a good idea to put the trigger in last, and if possible to get him as a juv too! I had a problem with my trigger (picaso) also, he lived in tank first for a few months.... Then months later the lion was added, and he was a total jerk to the lion... And from what Ive read its a good idea to add the more aggressive guys last!
Hope this helps ya! :)


always add the more aggressive species last and if possible make them smaller than the more passive ones. Juvennile triggers though I heard were not near as hardy as adult ones.
Good Luck


I added my red lion before my juv. huma trigger and they seem to be fine together. I also have two damsels, yellow tang and a firefish both the lion and the trigger leave them alone. (exept when the jewel damsel nips at one of those guys.)


New Member
Trigger fish are amazing, i added mine first, they are supposed to be one of the smartest fish and are able to be trained, mine swims through a hoop, retreives shells from the bottom of my tank, and rolls over to let me rub its belly, get them first, youll never want another fish!


And here we were just joking with the other guy for suggesting trigger training----(sorry I don't remember his name) My apologies Anyway, both of these are very hardy, and easy keepers. Picasso is one of the least agressive triggers, but still add last or at same time as lion.
Good Luck