triggers with anenomes?


how do triggers do with anenomes I have a bursa trigger I was wanting to put a anenome in there. will this work? I know you should not have any inverts in there but not sure about a anenome.
I am no where near an expert but from what I understand that would be a no. Trigger and coral don't mix you may end up getting your trigger or your anenome hurt or worse. What is your tank setup? Anenomes need lots of light and great water conditions. I am sure someone will jump in and either correct me or back up what I am saying and be able to explain why better.


I wouldnt do it. Triggers will nip at it and corals if you have any. Anenomes do require tons of light as well.


My trigger is in with a couple of condi annemones and he doesn't bother them. You could put a green carpet in there but it will get huge and they eat fish, so you take a chance on a fish swimming in to it and guess what? He is dinner. I had a sebae anemone for my clown fish but lost it and not sure why. Most fish will not get near this anemone as it will sting others except for clown fish as they like to call them home. Some anemones need strong lighting and some don't. What other fish is in your tank and what kind of lighting do you have? Water parameters need to be great for anemones as they do not like changes. If you really want anemones I would start with a couple of less expensive condylatus anemones and see how you do with these. Just remember these have to be feed krill or something at least once a week so they don't much on your fish. Good Luck
I am sure if I left anythign out someone will fill in. :)