Triggers with small SB's


I read somewhere that it is better for triggers to have small SB's in thier tanks. Is there any truth to that and why ? I have a SB a little less than 1 inch is that considered a small SB ? Thanks.


I used to have a 72 bow that i kept a huma huma and a niger in and I can not see why they would like to have a shallower sand be my niger just hid in the rocks but the huma huma used to swim down and suck up the sand and go to the top and make a fountain of sand back down
plus as much as triggers eat you are going to need a deep sand bed to help with trates


Active Member
A deep sand bed won't necessarily help with nitrates. Triggers will blow into sand and move it around looking for food. A live sand bed will harbor worms, etc.. that the trigger will eat. In absence of this, the fish will instinctively root around in even shallow sand. IME, the depth of the sand will have no impact on your ability to keep these fish.